Marianne and Ginger
Deconstructed, Reconstructed Clothing
By Lisa Cook | Photos By Jim J. Narcy
India is the home of so many Saints with so much expanded consciousness that it’s overall effect is to take it all in with no words coming out”.
When asked about beauty, appearances and sexism within today’s society, Sara answered eloquently. “People have treated me differently according to appearances. It is a double-edged sword. There are negative and positive experiences. On the positive side, I feel like I can influence for the good by directing my attracting energy creatively. I know many beautiful, powerful women and men who use their beautiful attracting energy in a very positive way with great success. We are coming into a time that, although still male dominated, it is becoming clear within the world, the power of women’s energy. Both genders have strengths and weaknesses. When women are held up for all they have… it is really moving things forward in the world. It is also lifting everyone. Like a huge mass love affair, healing the long struggles between the genders. In order to help humanity overall, women must be loved and respected. [Men, it will benefit you so much to make the women in your life happy!] According to my Indian teacher, until the women are really respected there will be no peace on the planet.”
Sara Mesmer and Marianne and Ginger are going to make this world a better place, with beautiful clothing vibrating with positive energy and a passion for changing the used into new.
Places to purchace Marianne and Ginger clothing:
Samadhi Center for Yoga
Moondance Botanicals
Pilates Aligned